10 research outputs found

    Tolerating Hardware Device Failures in Software

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    Hardware devices can fail, but many drivers assume they do not. When confronted with real devices that misbehave, these assumptions can lead to driver or system failures. While major operating system and device vendors recommend that drivers detect and recover from hardware failures, we find that there are many drivers that will crash or hang when a device fails. Such bugs cannot easily be detected by regular stress testing because the failures are induced by the device and not the software load. This paper describes Carburizer, a code-manipulation tool and associated runtime that improves system reliability in the presence of faulty devices. Carburizer analyzes driver source code to find locations where the driver incorrectly trusts the hardware to behave. Carburizer identified almost 1000 such bugs in Linux drivers with a false positive rate of less than 8 percent. With the aid of shadow drivers for recovery, Carburizer can automatically repair 840 of these bugs with no programmer involvement. To facilitate proactive management of device failures, Carburizer can also locate existing driver code that detects device failures and inserts missing failure-reporting code. Finally, the Carburizer runtime can detect and tolerate interrupt-related bugs, such as stuck or missing interrupts.

    SymDrive: Testing Drivers without Devices

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    Device-driver development and testing is a complex and error-prone undertaking. For example, testing errorhandling code requires simulating faulty inputs from the device. A single driver may support dozens of devices, and a developer may not have access to any of them. Consequently, many Linux driver patches include the comment “compile tested only.” SymDrive is a system for testing Linux and FreeBSD drivers without their devices present. The system uses symbolic execution to remove the need for hardware, and extends past tools with three new features. First, Sym-Drive uses static-analysis and source-to-source transformation to greatly reduce the effort of testing a new driver. Second, SymDrive checkers are ordinary C code and execute in the kernel, where they have full access to kernel and driver state. Finally, SymDrive provides an executiontracing tool to identify how a patch changes I/O to the device and to compare device-driver implementations. In applying SymDrive to 21 Linux drivers and 5 FreeBSD drivers, we found 39 bugs.

    The Design and Implementation of Microdrivers

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    Device drivers commonly execute in the kernel to achieve high performance and easy access to kernel services. However, this comes at the price of decreased reliability and increased programming difficulty. Driver programmers are unable to use user-mode development tools and must instead use cumbersome kernel tools. Faults in kernel drivers can cause the entire operating system to crash. Usermode drivers have long been seen as a solution to this problem, but suffer from either poor performance or new interfaces that require a rewrite of existing drivers. This paper introduces the Microdrivers architecture that achieves high performance and compatibility by leaving critical path code in the kernel and moving the rest of the driver code to a user-mode process. This allows data-handling operations critical to I/O performance to run at full speed, while management operations such as initialization and configuration run at reduced speed in userlevel. To achieve compatibility, we present DriverSlicer, a tool that splits existing kernel drivers into a kernel-level component and a user-level component using a small number of programmer annotations. Experiments show that as much as 65 % of driver code can be removed from the kernel without affecting common-case performance, and that only 1-6 percent of the code requires annotations